Sunday 11 November 2012

A bit about robs

Heres a little about me to...

Im Robyn (a.k.a robs) and this is me chilling on the beach as a youngen, topping up my tan. I was born in june 1995, one day later than connie making me the same grand age of 17.

I am currently in 6th form studying textiles, business and psychology and although school is a major part of my life i cannot wait to finish and explore the world for myself. 

I have a great job working in a boutique in my home town selling some fab clothes! I do anything from dressing the mannequins to helping out with fashion shows and managing the shops publicity on social networking sites, it really is a dream job! From as young as i can remember i have always wanted to go into fashion and as a little kid i would be styling my teddy bears outfits to make sure they were on trend. I would love to go into the field of fashion buying and deciding what a store sells to its clients, plus the extra benefit of getting to travel all around the world. 

I can't really say i have a particular style but i sway more towards edgy things, with connie defiantly being the more girly one out of us both. I like things that are a bit different from what everyone else is wearing and never like to follow the crowd. Since my brothers have moved out i have slowly taken over their wardrobes making it a total of 3... i don't really know if this is a good thing or not!


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